OTHER ATTRACTIONS2018-09-11T18:51:43-07:00



The only undammed river in California provides a wide range of adventures for all skill levels. Some of the clearest and cleanest water flows through some of the oldest and most expansive Redwood forests, the Jedidiah State Park.

While the upper Smith requires higher skill with some class 2 rapids, the lower Smith meanders through class 1 rapids, suitable for the whole family during summer and into fall Fall.

The estuary is extensive and placid most of the year. Beach come rarely visited beaches along the mouth or paddle up to Sand Hole, the first deep hole where salmon can be found from late September to late November.

December brings in the Steelhead and many prime fishing spots can be easily accessed with our fishing kayaks. Stop at every riffle and fish the tail waters. Work your way downstream until you find the Schools of salmon or Steelhead.

Chetco River

Another great touring and fishing destination just over the border in Oregon. The lower reaches are also characterized by low-gradient riffles suitable for family adventures.

The salmon and Steelhead fishing is also world famous. Kayaks can put you on the fish quickly and quietly.  You can also access fishing spots where walk-in fisherman cannot access. There are many put-in and take-out grave3l bars along the river to suit your schedule.

The Brookings Harbor and estuary is a popular destination when time is limited. Paddle up about 1-mile to the first riffle

for salmon fishing in the fall. Trawl a lure behind the kayak as you quietly cruse the calm waters of the upper estuary with the family.

The upper Chetco provides a more challenging class 1 and 2 rapids.  With several put-in and take-out access points along the way, a short 4-hour to 8-hour adventures are possible.


Salmon season starts in September and runs through mid December on most local rivers, and depending upon river flows and rain.  Kayaks can get you to the ideal fishing spot where bank fisherman sometimes cannot. Moving downstream from fishing hole to fishing hole you can locate the schools of fish.

Steelhead fishing start in December and runs through March when the hungry down-streamers are active on the Smith and Chetco.

Sea-run cutthroat trout can be caught during most months on the Lake Earl/ Lake Tolowa Lagoon complex.


Lake Earl and Lake Tolowa  Lagoons are connected at the ‘narrows’ by a 200 foot wide deep channel. This comprises the largest lagoon on the west coast, and seasonally ranging from about 2,000 to 4,000 acres.

The ocean barrier berm is a remote and pristine destination for full and half day tours.  With three access points to Lake Earl, the destinations are endless for those to wish to do a lot of paddling.


The Smith river provides unparalleled access and views of the ancient Redwood Forest. Stop frequently and explore the tributaries and marvel at the size of the trees. The memories from this kayaking adventure will last a lifetime.  With ample storage on custom kayaks, take extra gear and a big lunch. Glide downstream and experience all the wildlife and majestic trees.


The Lake Earl and Lake Tolowa Lagoon complex offer excellent viewing of over 100 species of migrating birds on the major layover during their migrations in fall and spring.  Early morning offer the best viewing and kayaks get you close quietly and safely.  The lagoon range from 2,000 to over 4,000 acres in Winter.